Friday, May 12, 2017

Dunia Paralel

Minggu pagi. Selalu saja bangun lebih pagi dari hari biasanya. Padahal ini hari libur. Reflek, tanganku langsung meraih handphone di sebelah bantal. Sudah ada dua message menunggu sejak jam 5 pagi. Message pertama membuatku tersenyum. Sebuah foto testpack dengan dua garis merah. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana membaca hasil test pack. Hanya caption nya cukup menjelaskan. "Wish me luck ya !!! :)"

Message kedua ... cukup mengagetkan. Di sisi lain predictable. Tapi lumayan membuat awan mendung menyelimuti mood  di hari minggu itu. Dari seseorang yang sudah sekitar satu bulan setengah menghilang. Menghindar.


Ya ?

"I owe you an explanation about why I changed recently."


"Firstly, I want to apologize. I didn't realize that thing would make me behave differently, especially to you. So sorry for that."


"How do I say this. Well, I ..."

You're getting married ?

"Damn. Yes. In September."

Wow. Who is that lucky guy ?

"How do you know ? I haven't said a thing."

I don't know. Feelings ?

"Feelings. Yes. How can I hide things, especially from you. I'm so sorry. I tried not to change. And I'm afraid that more changes will happen. I don't want it but most likely."

Well, everybody's changing.

"Right. We used to change together. But now I guess we're gonna change in different track."

You never mentioned anything about him.

"Because our marriage will not be a fancy one. It will be very very simple."


"I hate to think of it, but I'm afraid thinking of losing you."

You know I will always be here. But I guess the changes will be inevitable.



"Your blessing, please ?"

Yes. Of course. May everything run smoothly until the day.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Smaller circle

I realize that as I grow up, my circle will be smaller. People start creating their inner circle so called family.

Another best friend will tie the knot next week. I woke up reading her post about how excited she is in anticipating the day. Several months ago she told me about how worry she was for not having any plans nor a partner yet, while on the other side her mom had started being pushy.

We talked about how are we going to interact after one of us get married someday. Will we still chat about random things as we did ?

Several weeks after that talk, she texted me.

"I am getting married next year."

'For real ?'


I couldn't be happier. But I also realize that my circle is getting smaller.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Begadang lagi.
Ronda Lagi.
Sampe kapan ?
Sampe kapan ?
Hmmm ........