Friday, July 30, 2010

Remote area

Gosh, i miss u so much !!!! [my blog]
Gila udah hampir sebulanan tanpa akses internet , kreatifitas pun mulai terganggu. Karena akses blogger di handphone agak ribet, kepaksa sengaja mampir ke warnet hanya untuk menulis blog seperti sekarang ini.

Sudah dua hari gw di Bandung. Entah kenapa semenjak menjelang liburan kemaren pengen banget buru - buru liburan dan pulang ke Bandung. Tapi ada aja acara nya. Sampe akhirnya hari rabu kemaren gw balik ke Bandung [karena disuruh nyokap]. Tapi baru sehari aja di Bandung udah bosen minta ampun. Rencana nya besok mau ke Cirebon sih family trip. Gila udah lama banget nggak family trip. Dan senin nya mungkin kembali ke Jakarta, ada temen [yang katanya] mo ngasih kerjaan sekalian mau pindah kost an juga. Gila pengen buru - buru pindah ke kost an baru dan menata kamar semau gw seperti di Pet Society. Finally !!! gw punya kamar sendiri.

Barusan gw dari SMK ge sekolah dulu dan rencana nya ngelatih anak - anak debat nya. Ternyata ya ampun, gw udah semangat - semangat tapi mereka koq beda banget sama anak debat jaman - jaman gw ya. Frankly speaking, jelek banget. Gw sampe males ngelatih nya. Udah jelek pada Blagu lagi ga mau pada nanya. Mati aja lo !

Jam 5 lewat acaranya selesai. Tapi gw males pulang gitu. Tapi kalo nggak pulang mau kemana juga. Ga ada teman yang available kayaknya. Maksud gw , nggak ada teman yang available buat nemenin di emergency time kyk gini [dadakkan]. Akhirnya memutuskan untuk mampir deh ke warnet dan mengetik post ini.

Aduh ini nggak penting ya post nya.

Tapi ini penting buat gw soalnya udah lama ga nge-blog. Liat aja, lusa gw beli modem !!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

blogging by phone

Sudah beberapa hari semenjak internet diputus, gw hidup tanpa belaian akses internet. Meninggalkan blog tercinta. Kalo kata agnes (lagi)
"karena ku sanggup walau ku tak mau". By the way itu lagu gw putar terus dari kemaren - kemaren.

Akhirnya gw menemukan ide, buka blog lewat hp aja. Walau mahal yang penting bisa melampiaskan sesuatu daripada ngelamun. Sayangnya cuma bisa max 512 karakter. Ya lumayan lah.

so this is my first post which is posted by phone.

post yg kamu baca,langsung dari hape aku loh haha

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gathering 2010

I have a lot of things to be said but i have no internet access. LOL.
Yeah i'm about to move to another dorm , so i have to unsubscribe my internet provider. I have to face 1 month without direct internet access to my laptop. But, as Agnes Monica says "karena ku sanggup walau ku tak mau ...".

I will divide the stories into several post. And i will start with my experiences on CIMB Niaga Scholarship Annual Gathering 2010.  This is most anticipated program from CIMB Niaga because it means i can stay 3 days 2 nights at Gunung Geulis resort with a good food and stuffs hoho. 3 times a day of full course meal and coffee break between each eating time.

Each scholars batch should perform any art performances at social nights. My batch has 50 students which are distributed in various universities and cities. Can't you imagine how hard to manage them because apparently they're not really have full awareness about their responsibilities. But after having a meeting with UI and Binus Squads they gave and idea about watching television. So we will dramatize a news, infotainment, and advertisement on television. We will also have the real television on the stage. Although it's hard to manage them, to motivate them practise but fortunately they could give their best performances and we won the show. We defeat the amazing 2007 batch which are always creative. Apparently we are mighty 2008, also creative. Hehe. I was so .... satisfied when we could be the winning. It's not about the winning actually, but how u can give your best.

There are a lot of things to share from that annual gathering. About the boring-team-building, enterpreneur session, hypnotherapy session. But unfortunately i'm typing this post in internet cafe. I can't make a good narration inside internet cafe because a rush.

Maybe on the part 2 post.

have a blast vacation !

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

what is the best thing a liar could have ?

Well, i don't know what to say. I'm just missing my blog. It's been more than a week i have no internet access. First because i went to Bandung, and there's no internet access at home. Second, because i have unsubscribed my internet provider because i'm about to move next month. And now, i'm typing this post from my campus library. Poor me, i have to go to library just to check my social networking account and writing my blog.

I have a lotta things to talk actually, but writing a personal blog [which is not personal anymore] in public places surrounding by alotta people is uncomfortable. So i just wanna type something in my blog. I miss writing. Ah, correction, it's been a long time i don't write. Seems like i'm allergy with "miss" word. I don't know why.

This week is [still] the rough time for me. Everything hasn't gone easier yet. A lot of questions, doubt, regret, anger, sad, shame , all mixed emotion cross my mind. There's a time when i didn't need anyone, alone, i was stronger. But now why am i so vulnerable.

Finding myself hurt someone but in the other way around being hurt by somebody else. Feeling guilty because betraying someone but at the same time being a victim of someone else's lie. What kinda drama is this. I do like drama, but this drama is too much. I don't know what i feel now. Disappointed , but i'm disappointing somehow. Everything is upside down. I wanna end this circle. But i'm afraid  my life would be flat and suck. Somehow, i'm not people whose easy come easy go. Easy to let something /someone in and let them out. Because when they're gone, everything will never be the same.

What is the best thing a liar could have ? a lie. A liar whose demanding  the truth is just too high expectation.

I'm just wondering, what's the point of this this and that. For somebody it might be just an entertainment, but for me it does really mean a thing. And the funny thing was me who believe everything that happens was true, it was sincere. Why can't this smart logical boy analyze that this is a kinda trap for revenge.

Now, i promise myself, i will be as strong as before. I'm independent. I will not really into this game. Whatever the game, win or lose , it's just a game.

And there should be nothing to lose

Friday, July 09, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it

Envy ....
Obsession ...
are the nature of myself. A long my life i'm busy to prove that i'm capable in doing anything, to prove that i'm great, to prove that i'm good in everything. Everytime i find person who is better than me then i will be busted. And i thought it is the art of pain. Life without pain is flat. And i need pain to stay alive.

In my childhood, i was thinking that i'm special boy. Different from another, have my own class and selected child. When i was teenager it believe that being invisible around unimportant people is better than mingle with them, because i have my own community. When i grew up. i was thinking that i am not just another teenager. I'm special. Everything goes on my way, although it was not always perfect. But mostly perfect. I can reach anything that i want.

I'm growing adult. Real life teach me that life doesn't always go on my way. And i'm getting sick of pain. It doesn't have any arts anymore. It's just pain. Pain. And Burden. I find myself cannot cope with everysingle thing that i should've catched up. My mind keeps saying that i should try and try. My heart keeps telling me it's enough.

I just wanna leave all that pain. I just wanna enjoy my life and personal life. I don't give a damn to a thing such achievement.

my friend's quote "Life is short. Living the life as someone we are not is simply being a ghost."

Well , yeah. I'd rather enjoy mylife than being a ghost. [although sometimes vampire is cool]

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Internet Cafe

Bagaikan di jaman jahiliyah sebelum masehi. Aku mencari warnet terdekat dari rumah. Bukan untuk buka Friendster atau chatting di Mirc, tapi untuk mengirimkan file project yang sudah ditagih - tagih dari kemarin. Serasa remaja - remaja cupu , si penjaga warnet bilang "aduh penuh". Terpaksa harus balik lagi ke rumah, walaupun warnet nya dekat sih di depan gang. Tapi gimana ya, file nya harus segera dikirimkan atau gw akan didenda nanti atau malah ga dibayar. bisa berabe.

Akhirnya terpaksa mencari warnet yang lain, karena sepertinya tidak ada lagi warnet yang dekat sini jadi terpaksa harus naik angkot ke warnet yang agak jauh. Males banget nggak sih serasa jaman SMP ngebela-belain ke warnet naek angkot. Di jalan hujan turun deras. Warnet - warnet yang bejibun itu pun terlewati karena gw nggak mau turun dalam keadaan kehujanan dan setelah basah - basahan mendapat jawaban "aduh penuh". Jadi gw terus aja mengikuti kemana arah angkot berjalan. Sampai di tempat warnet - warnet terakhir hujan masih belum reda. Terpaksa gw turun dan hujan - hujanan menuju ke warnet tersebut.

Basah. Baju gw ketika memasuki warnet tersebut. Terlihat anak - anak berseragam SMP memenuhi warnet yang tiap komputer nya diberi bilik privacy khas warnet - warnet di cimahi [yang sangat aman kalau mau buka bokep]. Aduh de javu banget nggak sih. Jaman SMP nih gw begini-ginian. 

Tapi ini warnet nya cepet nya bukan main, sayang aja ga ada headset nya jadi nggak bisa buka youtube.

[aduh ini post apaan sih isinya nggak penting banget ?]

PS : post yang kamu baca, diketik langsung dari warnet itu loh ^^

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Anyone of us

I don't know why everytime i come to Bandung i always bring a trouble, get a trouble, or make a new trouble. These three days are the rough day. Like gossip girl says "past is always with us waiting to mess up with the present". But i think, it's no problem for past to stay with us and it won't mess up with the present. But what i did was just messing up my present.

"you've been a very bad girl, a very  very bad bad girl Gaga!" , says Beyonce to Gaga after she give some ransome to release her from jail. And i guess, Beyonce would say the same thing to me [but of course, calling me  as "boy" ]. I've been a very bad boy. I hurt too many people. I claim myself as innocent but actually i'm a jerk. I've hurt so many people. I've betrayed the nicest person on earth. Don't know how to say sorry, my mistake is unforgivable. But still, i've been forgiven. See ? A nice person. And i've hurt myself by hurting you.

And one thing you have to know. My heart is not divisible. A thing won't change my feeling for you. Everyone has their own place in it. When i was asked to choose, well people is irreplaceable.

I know how 'broken heart' feels when you ask me to get separated. Tears streaming down my face. And i just realized that i did a stupid mistake. But it can happen to anyone of us. Anyone can hurt someone they love. I think i'm unforgivable. But thanks for a willing to try again with me.

Reminds me to this song :

I've been letting you down, down
Girl I know I've been such a fool
Giving in to temptation
I should've played it cool
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

It can happen to
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can't take my heart will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake

She was kind of exciting
A little crazy I should've known
She must have altered my senses
'Cause I offered to walk her home
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

It can happen to
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can't take my heart will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake

A stupid mistake
she means nothing to me
(nothing to me)
I swear every word is true
don´t wanna lose you

The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

It can happen to
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can't take my heart will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake

Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
'Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake

P.S :  I hate eclipse, it's a bad inspiration.  [ups, maybe it's just because i'm not a vampire or werewolf]

n for everyone who has been hurt by me. A bunch of sorry for you guys

Thursday, July 01, 2010

from hot as hell to ugly as sin

Isabella Swan, i now she's sick girl since the first time i saw her in Twilight. Depressed, desperate, introverted. Broken Hearted. One thing i never expected is she can seduce rich and sun-friendly vampire to strip and show how glossy his body under the sun. Well, twiligth was not that impressive.

The idea of love triangle is so old-fashioned. But the idea of love triangle between vampire-human-werewolf is just too creative. Well, in Newmoon the vampire is so fragile, romantic, and ... drama king. I don't really like the second movie. One thing that i got from this movie, how could i get those six packs like Jacob ?.

I have to finish what i've started. The third movie was just released. And i don't know i think i have to watch this to know the next episode of this weird love story. And well yeah, the triangle is even more complicated. The human and the vampire are getting married. And i just known that the vampire is so-god-damn religious. He refuse to have sex before marriage even when the girl insists. But still he said "after we're married". Well, good moral message LOL. And apparently, Bella is a bitch. She says she love Edward but she ask Jacob to kiss her. Hell yeah, the vampire with glitter is cool and shirtless werewolf is so unbearable. And they're getting jealous to one another. It's so funny. The action scene is just a little part of the whole movie.Basically it's still romantic story.

This sick girl still insist Edward to convert her into vampire also and live with immortality. And this is the quote when one vampire woman try to change Bella mind.

Bella : "i don't understand why do u hate me ?"
Vampire : "i don't like you, i just ... envy you ... you have choices but i have no. And  you choose the wrong one. I still imagine about a perfect life. A big house, a husband who kisses you when he go home.Children. But now, we don't even have any choices. possibilty."

And anyway , the only one which i really expect from the movie is ...DAKOTA FANNING