Sunday, April 21, 2013

Worst weekend

This is worst weekend ever. 
It was started by having my laptop charger left at the office on Thursday, but I just realized it like on Friday night which is impossible for me to go there and take it back. So I should spend my weekend laying on my bed. (why didn't you go out ?) Yes. Why didn't I go out, I'm on budget. These are the last days of the month and I'm a terrible financial planner, remember ? So I should really stay at my room this weekend.

Apparently, no laptop doesn't mean the end of the world. Thanks to Android and WiFi. I can still have plenty of access to entertainment. I watched videos on Youtube from AM to PM. People say that we'll get more creative in urgent situation. My cellphone seems more useful than just a social hub when my laptop is not functioning.

Today, I have a plan to meet my friends at Pluit. I reluctantly get off my ass of my bed though, but I guess going to Pluit for a lunch won't kill. Yeah, won't kill ... until I feel my back aching, sweating a lot and realized that it's been an hour I've been standing in the shelter and not even a bus showed up. Queue is getting longer. Even though the bus will come, it might be at the end of the day and it will be so full. I texted my friend to cancel my appointment. I can't believe that I canceled this lunch appointment just because this fucking Transjakarta bus. (why didn't you take a cab ?) Yeah .. why didn't I take a cab ? you better read the first paragraph before I explode. 

Then I decided to go back home and surfing the internet, post this fucking story to my blog and watch some tv ser .... wait ... my laptop is not functioning. I can't watch tv series and I don't feel comfortable making my post through this old Android phone. 

So ... here I am ... posting my blog from this warnet that plays Meggy Z song on the loop. Damnit!!!!
Where am I ? 2002 ?

Monday, April 01, 2013

Solitary moment ?

Cuaca yang gloomy di sabtu sore di Bandung adalah scene yang Bandung banget, kecuali bagian ketika aku harus naik motor ke tempat ini hujan – hujanan sampai sepatu dan kaos kaki ku ini basah. This is what I don’t like in Bandung, people don’t simply use a cab to go anywhere. Anyway, dua puluh menit kemudian seorang teman datang dengan mengenakan baju ungu.

“ih, samaan, baju nya.” Katanya ketika aku membuka sweater ku dan melihat kaos ungu yang kupakai.

This is one of my strong point, seringkali memakai pakaian yang match dengan orang lain ketika pergi bareng walaupun sebelumnya nggak janjian dulu. Good instinct.

Menu favorit ku di cafe ini adalah lasagna nya dan walaupun minuman utama di tempat ini adalah kopi, aku jarang memesan kopi. Kali ini aku memesan Afogatto dan chicken wings. I don’t feel like eating pasta and I just love chicken. I eat it almost everyday. While Afogatto, never tried it before but it’s someone’s favorit. Since I can’t be with the person tonight, at least I can be with the favorit drink. Pathetic ?  yes, I know.

Kafe ini membuka tempat baru di lantai atasnya yang lebih besar. Lebih banyak sofa – sofa nyaman, tata cahaya nya redup dengan foto – foto legendary people di salah satu sisi dinding nya. Kami memilih tempat duduk di dekat jendela. Lagu Jason Mraz – butterfly dimainkan ketika aku sibuk mentransfer file – file film series dari laptop ku ke laptop teman ku. It’s a good place, good weather, good song and you are supposed to be with your partner not with your friend trading tv series file because your partner ask a time to be alone.
I don’t understand why people ask to be alone while they’re having a partner. Well, I actually understand. It’s a soft break up.

It might sound like “I wanna be alone right now, getting rid off my problem and I don’t wanna bother you with my problem. So let me handle this alone and I’ll be back to you when I’m done.”
But In fact, it says “I wanna be alone right now, or forever. I wanna break up with you actually. I just haven’t found a right way to say that and I don’t think that you’re ready for it.”

Chicken wings yang sudah berubah menjadi tulang – tulang ayam yang berserakan di piring. Ice cream di afogatto ku sudah mencair dan yang tersisa hanya kopi pahit yang tidak enak. Seperti artificial commitment ini, there’s nothing more that I can enjoy except the scattered promise and bitter response to each other.
When the time comes, I start to stop fishing.

 So, you ask me for some time to be alone ? you know what ? I’ll give you forever.