Friday, March 30, 2012


Iced coffee vanilla latte, sebotol air mineral, nasi goreng instant. Persiapan untuk menunggu pagi. Bukan, Ini bukan sahur. Ini gara - gara kostan payah yang gue tinggalin dimana si pemilik kost akan menggembok pintu depan setelah jam 2 malam dan hanya dia yang punya kunci. Udah kayak asrama aja. 

Gue baru balik karaoke bareng temen - temen kantor. Dan akhirnya harus terdampar di 711 untuk menunggu pagi sampai pintu kost kembali dibuka. Yah, tinggal dua jam lagi lah. Lumayan. 

Anyway, minggu ini seperti nya minggu refreshing deh di kantor. Kemarin lusa, kantor mengungsi ke Epicentrum karena sebagian karyawan dan boss nonton bareng The Raid. Sebagian lagi yang telat datang memutuskan untuk nonton The Hunger Games. Seru ya kerja di sini, suasana nya nggak bikin stress. Santai (masa sih ???). Ya sebenernya karena kebanyakan project udah selesai, seperti project gue, atau sudah memasuki tahap yang nggak kritis. Jadi kerjaan pun ga terlalu menumpuk. Kalo project lagi padat sih mana ada waktu untuk main kayak gini.

Oh ya, di sini gue dapat beberapa teman baru yang lumayan nyambung dan bisa memberikan asupan gossip haha.  Tadi siang kita lunch bareng, dan dari lunch itu lah gue tau semua isu yang ada di kantor. Gue medapat banyak input dari sana sini, versi cerita yang berbeda - beda. Mengetahui apa yang selama ini gue nggak tahu. Secara gamblang, gue mereka membeberkan judgement mereka terhadap orang - orang sekitar. Menceritakan konflik - konflik yang ada. Walaupun sempet serem, karena pembicaraan nya terlalu vulgar tanpa sensor. Tapi yang penting gue memegang prinsip gue. I trust no one. I hear the news, not the people. At least, sekarang gue tau bagaimana cara menghadapi setiap orang dari mereka.

But, they're fun. They're fun people, seriously.  But every one has a wicked scheme rite ?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

What else ?

"Aku bakal move on kalo kamu move on duluan"
Potongan dialog di sebuah acara drama radio yang berjudul Konflik Cinta. Sumpah, rudet pisan itu kalimat nya.  Dan entah berapa puluh kali kata "move on" diucapkan di episode kali ini. Emang sih, kata itu belakangan menjadi kata yang paling populer setelah "galau". Dan somehow keduanya berhubungan seperti sebuah circle setan dimana orang yang potensi masochist seperti gue ini akan senang bermain di dalam circle itu. Heran sendiri sih kadang. 

Seseorang yang sangat kepo pernah bilang 

"you are always obsessed with someone that can't you have and you have tendency to abandon people who love you, right ?"

You are absolutely right. 

"That's why it's hard for you to move on even though it hurts you because basically you love to be hurt"

Damn, you have a good skill of deduction. Tiba - tiba gue merasa seperti Rihanna di lagu Love the way you lie.

Well, okay. Seems that those words have been overused, let's stop talking about that. But the problem is i don't have a theme for this post. So i might talk about anything randomly.

Work. I have a nice job now. I love my current job, i love the office, the people are kind. It's my sleeping pattern hasn't been adjusted yet. So i still can't optimize my morning where i have to work on my thesis or other works. 

Love life. Hmm ... i'm not currently having a love life. Still same old story.

What else ?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Every Beginning Is Difficult

"Every beginning is difficult"

Kata sebuah poster hitam putih yang tertempel di Ruang 9 (Kelas bahasa inggris di STM).
That's damn right.
No one is born to be automatically perfect. All need process. Thomas Alpha Edison didn't accidentally invent the ball lamp, J.K Rowling didn't  become best seller writer at the first try, Aitthipat Kulapongwanich had failed thousand times before he became a billionaire. Rise and fall.

So does with me. When everything isn't working out and everybody's complaining, it's not a sign for me to stop. It shows that i should keep learning. When they give me criticism and suggestion, it doesn't mean they look down on me. They want to make me better.

Well, it's easy to say so.
But it's hard to think so , right ? hehe

Monday, March 05, 2012


Sometimes, the one we want most is not the one who comforts us. The one who can comfort us is not the one who we really want.

We did play a good game and had quite interesting conversation. But the fact that you are really interested to my ex is just suspicious. Wicked ! Why on earth you think that i will  give the phone number. I won't even give a chance for someone to make a move. No no. Bitch !