Monday, January 23, 2017

Peter pan syndrome

"An empty street, an empty house
A hole inside my heart.
I'm all alone, the room are getting smaller.."

Iya. Itu lagu Westlife yang My Love. Basi memang. But to be honest, ternyata mendengarkan lagu-lagu lama yang biasa didengarkan di saat moment menyenangkan itu juga bisa dijadikan sebagai mood booster. Dulu sering denger lagu ini karena punya VCD bajakannya. Setiap pulang sekolah siang-siang waktu SD mutar lagu ini sambil karaoke. Kalau sudah bosan, ganti channel ke MTV yang dulu masih dikontrak oleh MTV.

Betapa mudahnya hidup saat itu, problema terbesar dalam hidup adalah malasnya mengikuti pemantapan menjelang EBTANAS  yang bisa dihindari. Saat bosan di rumah, bisa bantu bapak gantian jaga wartel yang aku minta diberi nama yang sama denganku. Wartel Fajar. Sepertinya aku dulu anak kesayangan karena tidak pernah main dan rajin bantu bapak gantian jaga wartel. Padahal sebetulnya karena selama jaga itu aku bisa beli bakso dan mie ayam pake uang wartel. That's all. Mikirin apa sih waktu itu. Mikirin mau jadi apa. Mikirin how cool I was going to be karena untuk ukuran anak kecil, I was too cool to be a kid.

Ternyata hidup tak se-santai dan seindah MTV nak.

Teman-teman yang dulu di social media menebar kisah keseharian mereka, saat ini waktunya mereka membagi kebersamaan meraka dengan keluarganya sendiri. Seneng sih liatnya, jujur. Dibandingkan mengikuti postingan-postingan impulsive dari satu golongan terhadap golongan lain yang saling menyakiti. Social media yang dulu digadang-gadang sebagai penghubung teman lama, sekarang jadi ajang pamer intelektualitas yang bisa memecah persahabatan. Again, hidup nggak seindah MTV. Tapi ya nggak gitu juga kali.

Either way, here I am again cuma sebagai penonton dari kedua kasus di atas. Lebih memilih untuk mendengarkan kembali lagu-lagu Westlife dari album Deluxe di kamar dengan lampu redup untuk mengembalikan mood yang sama dengan mood pada saat itu. Ketenangan. That's what I need right now.

Mungkin ada istilah peter pan syndrome. Maybe that's what I am.
Maybe I'm not ready to grow but it is inevitable.
Maybe ... I will be flying without wings.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Trust is not earned

Trust is a tricky word.
They say trust is earned. I ever thought that trust is a mutual thing.
We can trust someone if they trust us too. For that, we need to be trustworthy.

But I recently realize that trustwortiness is not a quality that is possessed by an individual but a title given by someone to other people.
In trusting someone that we think is trustworthy, we don't have any guarantee that the person will not violate our trust.
We can put some constraint to ensure that people will not violate the trust we give, but then that shows our insecurity. Insecurity is a proof that we don't trust. So, how to make sure that someone is trustworthy ? Looking at their track records ? Maybe. But we will never know what will happen in the future.

My answer is, there is no guarantee that the person we trust is really trustworthy.

We just have to believe.

Because the second you try to proof their trustwortiness, that is where you lose your faith in them.

Trust can also mean surrender. Which means, it is something that we grant to someone and we lose control over it.

So, if you now are still trying to prove that someone you trust is trustworthy.
You might want to reconsider that.