This is worst weekend ever.
It was started by having my laptop charger left at the office on Thursday, but I just realized it like on Friday night which is impossible for me to go there and take it back. So I should spend my weekend laying on my bed. (why didn't you go out ?) Yes. Why didn't I go out, I'm on budget. These are the last days of the month and I'm a terrible financial planner, remember ? So I should really stay at my room this weekend.
Apparently, no laptop doesn't mean the end of the world. Thanks to Android and WiFi. I can still have plenty of access to entertainment. I watched videos on Youtube from AM to PM. People say that we'll get more creative in urgent situation. My cellphone seems more useful than just a social hub when my laptop is not functioning.
Today, I have a plan to meet my friends at Pluit. I reluctantly get off my ass of my bed though, but I guess going to Pluit for a lunch won't kill. Yeah, won't kill ... until I feel my back aching, sweating a lot and realized that it's been an hour I've been standing in the shelter and not even a bus showed up. Queue is getting longer. Even though the bus will come, it might be at the end of the day and it will be so full. I texted my friend to cancel my appointment. I can't believe that I canceled this lunch appointment just because this fucking Transjakarta bus. (why didn't you take a cab ?) Yeah .. why didn't I take a cab ? you better read the first paragraph before I explode.
Then I decided to go back home and surfing the internet, post this fucking story to my blog and watch some tv ser .... wait ... my laptop is not functioning. I can't watch tv series and I don't feel comfortable making my post through this old Android phone.
So ... here I am ... posting my blog from this warnet that plays Meggy Z song on the loop. Damnit!!!!
Where am I ? 2002 ?