This is how things happen in my office every day. I will come to the office late around 9.10 while my boss is already in the office since 7AM. It's because he has to drop his daughter to school and go to the office right away. So, he better not complain about my lateness since no one ask him to come that early. Besides, most people in my office arrive at 10.
The next thing that I do is moisturizing my hands since my palm hands are getting dry lately. My boss doesn't complain about me who moisturizes my palm like every 2 hours. Then I'll check my phone and still keep my earphones on until my favorite morning radio show is over.
Finally, even though I reluctantly to do it, I check my email inbox. Yes, there must have been several mails from my boss that contain the same words in each top of the messages. It says "Fajar, Please help". This is the part that I don't really understand, he always craves for help but he never says what I'm supposed to help. Yes, sometimes he includes forwarded emails related to it (most of the emails is from his boss and my boss throws it to me) but it's not enough to describe what help that I have to provide.
I really want to ignore all emails that contain "please help". It makes me feel like fairy or santa that can he call when he doesn't want to do his job. But those are my tasks, so I usually ask back to him "Sir, what do you mean with the email ? what do you want me to do ? what's the issue ?" and you know what is his answer ? "hmmm ... well, I don't know either".
YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. I am so annoyed when that happens. What does he think I am ? Clairvoyant ? How can I get the task done when I don't even know what is the task. Here's the thing about being a manager that he doesn't have. Being manager is not only throwing all the task to your subordinate but also a solution center.
Another annoying thing, when he meets me with client or includes me in email discussion and says "Fajar, you will lead this project ya. please handle the meeting." without giving me a brief before or even telling me what's the name of the project. Then I'm gonna be a fool who attends a meeting that I don't even know what it is about.
I can't stand work with him.
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