Friday, August 31, 2012

The last day

30 August 2012,

I was still sleepy even though i slept early last night. But I had to go to the office since my team members were already arrived at 9 o'clock. We promised to come early because we wanted to leave the office early. I tried to enjoy every step that i took on my way to office. I might not see these roads for a long time. There will be no more waiting for a bus. No more lunch at this building. Today's my last day at the office.

Around 6pm, my office mates gave me farewell surprise (well, it's not really a surprise for me since i expected that hehe). They brought me a chocolate cake, it's delicious. We took some pictures and I gave the first slice to my boss. Then everyone approached the cake and slice it for themselves. I wasn't sure that they're excited to congratulate me or to get the cake hehe.

I promised my team that i will treat them. Hell no, the whole total team member is 10 persons. It might cost a half of my salary to treat them. I was saved by my boss because apparently he threw a farewell party for me and my team. He took us to a suki resto and asked me to order whatever i wanted. We went to a cinema to watch Bourne Legacy (without my boss, he left earlier), this time my team member who treated us. It was supposed to be me the one who treats them but it turned out to be the other way around. Thank God, so i could save my money for the transition period.

They gave me batik before we went home. I shake their hands and thanking each other, some of them teased  me by saying "Udah jangan sedih Jar, jangan nangis lo pulang-pulang". Haha .. I never thought that the people I thought could never be friends would be my close team mates (I feel something strange with the grammar, whatever).

There's a little sad. Not because i'm not gonna see them anymore (that's obvious) but because one of my friend (used to be friend) couldn't join the hype. As if she understood that everyone would feel comfortable if she's around. I feel bad for not saying sorry to her. I feel bad for being unfriendly to her. But I can't help not to revenge. I can't accept the fact that she has capability to hurt people without realizing it.

It's good to know that my revenge is done. Now all people turn hate her. All her close friends abandon her. Her enemies and her close friends are now best friends. Her only friend is her boyfriend. I hope that she could be a nice person so people would not hate her anymore. 

Well, i'm happy that finally i will start a new life. I'm glad that i'm leaving with a good impression, get a warm goodbye and greetings. 
But no matter how good a goodbye is, it never feels good.
Yet, I believe it's for a greater good.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smooth and Flawless

Minggu ini adalah minggu tenang buat project S**plici**. Selain karena memang habis lebaran dan masih baru pada masuk, project kita juga baru saja selesai. Kemarin boss kita kirim email yang isinya thanking all of us karena sudah mengerjakan project ini tanpa ada keluhan dari client. Dia bilang project kita sudah di-delivered dengan baik dan hasil UAT (User Acceptance Test) nya smooth dan flawless.   

Alhamdulillah, karena pada project sebelumnya hampir setiap demo gue selalu kena marah abis-abisan karena selalu gagal dan banyak bugs. Dan dia bilang, minggu ini kita boleh santai - santai. Tadi siang gue ajak anak - anak lunch di Central Park. Fenomena yang langka banget bisa lunch di mall yang jauh dari kantor tanpa dikejar - kejar rasa takut di-ping boss. 

Dan sekarang, jam 7 udah pada pulang. Biasanya jam 1 malam pun gue masih menahan - nahan mereka pulang. Gue sendiri juga sudah bisa pulang sebetulnya, tapi males aja sendirian di kost. Jadi mending stay a 'lil bit longer di kantor sekalian nge-warnet.

Seneng banget project ini bisa berjalan lancar dan tepat waktu, sayangnya gue udah ga bisa meng-handle project berikutnya. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Last impression

Finally I got the answer of my doubt. The result has been announced. I got the call saying that my medical checkup is fine so I can proceed to the next phase, offering a contract which is the end of the selection process. This is the time that I've been waiting for 4 years. Thank God, it runs smoothly.

I told my boss about my resignation yesterday. At first, he really hoped that I could stay. Offering to bail me out from the penalty of the contract breach if I refuse to work in CIMB. But I said that I had made my decision, because I've prepared for this for so long.

Tonight I had a chat with him. It was a nice chat to know that I did make a good track record and leaving with a good impression. Here's the chat :  

Muhamad:  kalo keluar kapan keluarnya elo Jar me akhir bulan pak Muhamad ok okya mudah2 an selama ini belajar sesuatu
 me iya pak, belajar banyak Muhamad:  baguslah, elo pintermasa depan cerah mau di mana juga
 me aamiin Muhamad:  kalo bosen di bank, elo selalu bisa balik lg me iya pak :)
Even though sometimes he's hard to us, but basically he's a nice guy.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Tik tok

This waiting period is really torturing. Heart beasts fast every second of the day.
Waiting for the phone to ring.

God, please make it easy for me.

Give me a good news.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Dag dig dug

Masih dag dig dug menunggu keputusan final setelah medical check up lanjutan kemarin. Nggak sabar menunggu senin dan kembali berharap segera mendapatkan telepon dari orang HR. Gimana kalo gagal ? after all that i've been through, dinyatakan gagal karena kondisi kesehatan yang kurang fit ? pasti nyesek banget :(. Belum lagu medical check up kemarin sudah menguras isi tabungan.

Beberapa bulan yang lalu seorang teman membuat tweet yang bilang kalo dia dapat kabar buruk ketika dia dinyatakan lulus seleksi The Complete Banker. Walaupun akhirnya dia menerima offer tersebut dan sekarang sudah in-class, tapi koq bisa ya, ketika orang lain setengah mati untuk lulus program itu, ini malah bilang kabar buruk. Kalo gitu kenapa nggak mundur dari tahap pertama aja.

I hope God sees my effort so i can get a good news on Monday. Aamiin.