Friday, August 10, 2012

Last impression

Finally I got the answer of my doubt. The result has been announced. I got the call saying that my medical checkup is fine so I can proceed to the next phase, offering a contract which is the end of the selection process. This is the time that I've been waiting for 4 years. Thank God, it runs smoothly.

I told my boss about my resignation yesterday. At first, he really hoped that I could stay. Offering to bail me out from the penalty of the contract breach if I refuse to work in CIMB. But I said that I had made my decision, because I've prepared for this for so long.

Tonight I had a chat with him. It was a nice chat to know that I did make a good track record and leaving with a good impression. Here's the chat :  

Muhamad:  kalo keluar kapan keluarnya elo Jar me akhir bulan pak Muhamad ok okya mudah2 an selama ini belajar sesuatu
 me iya pak, belajar banyak Muhamad:  baguslah, elo pintermasa depan cerah mau di mana juga
 me aamiin Muhamad:  kalo bosen di bank, elo selalu bisa balik lg me iya pak :)
Even though sometimes he's hard to us, but basically he's a nice guy.

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