Thursday, January 24, 2013


are we ... exclusive ?”

Kamu masih asik memainkan jari - jari di atas tombol – tombol kecil smartphone berwarna putih itu  sementara aku sejak tadi berusaha mencari kalimat yang tepat,yang tidak terlalu memaksa, tidak terdengar desperate, tapi menghasilkan jawaban yang diinginkan.  

“Hmmmh ... males deh kalo udah bahas yang kayak gini”

Entah jawaban dari kamu atau blackberry menyebalkan yang sejak tadi menyita perhatianmu itu yang membuatku patah semangat untuk meneruskan pembicaraan ini.  Dialog ini pun akan menjadi mirip dengan cerita Tom dan Summer di 500 Days of Summer. Kalaupun memang harus berkahir sama, at least aku harus menyelesaikan nya saat ini juga agar tidak terus terjebak di permainan peran tanpa nama ini.

“Maksudnya ?”

“Ya ngomongin relationship.” Masih sambil memainkan Blackberry-mu.

“Kenapa ?”

Because we tend to hurt or get hurt in relationship”

But you already did ...”

Iya. Di malam waktu kamu menolak aku ajak makan malam karena harus menemani saudara mu yang datang dari luar kota. Lalu pada saat kamu menerima telepon mesra dari teman baru mu di depanku beberapa minggu lalu. Dan di setiap pesan ku yang tidak terbalas karena kamu sedang sibuk membalas pesan – pesan dari nya, seperti saat ini.

“Makanya ... kamu anggap nya kita kayak teman biasa aja. Jadi nggak bakal sakit hati kan kalo ada apa – apa ... ” Kali ini kamu mulai menaruh Blackberry-mu, duduk dan bersandar di bahuku.

“Teman ? Friends don’t hug each other, don’t kiss each other

Kamu bergeser menjauh dan aku membuka Winamp di laptop kemudian memilih Fallin’ dari Alicia Keys untuk menyamarkan suara detak jantung yang berdetak kencang karena kesal. Tanpa disamarkan pun kamu tidak peduli seberapa kesalnya aku.

“kamu ingat waktu pertama kita ketemu ? you said that eight letters, three words. Dan hari – hari setelah itu,  all the sweet words you said, all the nights we’ve spent together. Itu apa ?”

Aku masih belum puas berdebat mengenai perbedaan definisi yang kita punya tentang teman. Mungkin kamu mengucapkan tiga kata itu ke semua temanmu. Lalu kalian berpelukan, berciuman, dan menghabiskan malam dan pagi bersama.

“Maaf ya ... waktu itu aku cuma mau meyakinkan diri sendiri aja ”

‘Maaf’ dan ‘Cuma’ seringkali bukan pasangan kata yang tepat untuk berada di sebuah kalimat. Dan kalimat yang baru saja kamu ucapkan bukan kalimat yang tepat yang ingin aku dengar.

“Meyakinkan apa ?”

“ya ... do I really wanna be in a relationship or not

Tidak usah diteruskan. Aku sudah tahu jawaban nya. You tried to make it works and apparently we’re just good to be friends. Yeah, yeah ... it’s about me who expected too much. But hey, who will not expect that much when someone says they love you ?

“Terus sekarang ?” dan aku masih penasaran untuk mendengar jawaban nya dari mulutmu sendiri.

“Ya ternyata, setelah beberapa bulan sampai sekarang ini. I don’t feel something special. Maaf ya Satria.”

Seakan cerita itu belum cukup membuat hatiku meradang. Kamu lalu berterus terang bahwa saudara yang selama ini kamu ceritakan sebetulnya adalah teman dekatmu. Aku sudah tahu. Dan kamu pasti sudah sering memeluknya, mencium bibirnya, berbagi malam dan pagi dengan nya. Seperti yang kamu pernah lakukan dengan temanmu ini. Iya kan ?

Oh girl, you really made my night. You’re such a nice girl. But I can’t stand you’re being nice to everyone. I want someone exclusive and it’s not you.
Kamu pun meninggalkan kamar ku setelah permintaan maaf mu beberapa kali tidak aku gubris. Setelah kamu menutup pintu itu, aku tidak akan lagi menunggu mu pulang. Tidak akan lagi mengetuk pintu kamarmu ketika melihat lampu kamarmu sudah menyala. Tidak akan lagi ada ucapan selamat pagi, selamat makan siang, dan tutur manis merayumu.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

I don't need a word

"They are not your future, they're only a present. Transitory present. Who are not even supposed to be in your life ... and might even  hamper your future endeavor. So, why cry over them ?"

That's what I say to myself everytime people do me wrong, play me, betray me. They are all Jerk. But so am I. So I might stop playing jerk if I don't want people do the same way to me. But back to the statement above. Yeah, it hurts. It might get me demotivated. It ruins my mood. It's 3.30 PM and I haven't got my paper done. I should've written my paper not writing this junk on my blogger. 

You know what ? but it's nothing. I've experienced this a lot. But I just don't understand why such a nice and sweet person can do this. So far, that's the cruelest treatment I ever got. And that's the nicest person who did that. Well, if it didn't work out why force it.

I might be sad and disappointed. But it will not be as sad as losing my chance to graduate from this program just because I faile the oral examination. Ain't I right ? So, I better be not overreact. Get myself work on my paper.

Theory is easy but the reality is hard. I'm still disgusted everytime I remember that scene. There's a little regret why was I paralized and didn't take any action or argue at that time. 

Why love words ? Just because I don't say a word, they say I'm boring. I'm boring and I know it. 

There's a solitary moment when you're with the person that you choose. You just enjoy the moment. You feel their heart beating. Being close to the people that usually are miles away. Only clothes that separates you both. I don't see there's a need to say a word. 

But in this case, I'm just disappointed. Why you such a nice person even did that to me.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

So fucked up

Dad, I don't get it. 
I know that now I'm the backbone of the family so every decision will need my approval. It's not that I don't wanna be bothered by your worries. But, it is. You worry too much. 
Every time you ask for my decision I hardly approve, tend to disapprove. Because we're in a position where we can make a quick a decision. I don't want the decision take you down then you get stressed because of it. 
But you're always too excited when you've got an expectation without considering what's the risk behind. You always believe that the sudden miracle will happen even if it's only an expectation. Who will have a heart to kill a dream of a desperate man ? I won't. So that's why in the end of the day I will always support what you want. I eventually will change my mind and follow your expectation. 

But after those hard thinking days and nights. You always twist it all. You doubt me with all your questions and doubts. Then I don't understand what do you really want. I disapprove, you force me. I approve you doubt me.

Dad, it's been 3 rough months for me working on something that I never thought that I wouldn't like it. Being involved with the people I barely like. Trying to survive in order not to be dumped from a monthly test. Nothing can keep me sane but hooking up every day. You involve me in decision making, it's okay. I give my own.

But I have a brother and at least a sister who should've helped you out with that. Two people that should've grown up to take responsibility of our family. 

I haven't even type a word for my recommendation paper. 
Sister, if you can't handle a thing like this. No wonder you can't handle your life and your responsibility as a daughter.
You better stop preaching that shits on Facebook and start practicing those words.

It might be rude. But i'm not mad at you dad. I'm just so fucked up right now.