Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Soliloquy ......

hey how are you ?
i'm fine
Really ?
Yeah ...
But you don't seem so
So what do you expect me to say ?
Seriously what's happening ? aren't you supposed to be happy right now ?
Happy ? now ? are you kidding me ?
Yeah, i mean ... you get all you wanted. At least everything's on the right track.
But ... it's just not that perfect
Don't expect too much ! it will just lead you to disappointment. Isn't it enough for you to know that everything's okay. That there's nothing bad happen ?
It's not enough ! until i know everything is under control.  That's nothing to worry about. Not until it's crystal clear. You have no idea how worrisome it is. Doing something for uncertainty. You don't even know is it worth it. Is it really worth it.
Hey , remember this statement ? "just think positively. That's important for any kinds of human interaction"
Hell i'm not that man. That never works for me.
Hey don't overreact. Remember that. If you're really into this game. Then just follow the rule. Or just quit playing the game. Do you wanna quit ?
No. i'll try not to overreact.

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