Monday, June 23, 2014
I mean, I want to publish my blog again.
So I need to be picky in writing content.
That's why I decided to move the blog to :
Well, not sure that I still have a reader of this blog, but I do hope there is.
So please access the new blog instead :).
Sunday, June 22, 2014
I Want A Baby !
The guy was still looking at the baby. And yes, he's still laughing while his father fed him.
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
The White Hat
"I want to start all over again. I want a new life. I want a new identity."
"No, you don't."
"I'm serious."
"That's impossible David."
"It is not that hard for you."
"Oh really ? So what are you gonna do after I give you your life, your new identity ? Mess up with it, then runaway so I am the one to clean it up ? Oh I'm so done with it. You have ruined too many things and we are the one who clean it up for you. We do the butcher work. You are not supposed to be the executor. You should be staying there behind the bar so your stupid impulsive self will not create any mess again."
Stephen said that with an angry face in one breathe without blinking. He is very mad.
"I wanna fix this."
"You should ! But new identity is too much at a stake. You can't handle it and I don't want to take a risk. Look, we might be able to delete your records but a better life ? You gotta earn it ! Forget about what's been deleted, wear your white hat again and start fixing everything. What happened between now and then is not your concern. Consider it handled. Otherwise, you want to stay there behind the bars and not allowed to show up at all. You live there alone, in the darkness. And no one, not even me, can help you get out of there 'coz you have made the mess that is too much for me to fix."
"But ..."
"I'm telling you, I'm not negotiating. So you better go take some responsibility and wear the white hat."
I leave Stephen there without paying the bill. He will take care of it. I take the white hat but not wear it yet. I will some time, some day, I don't know when but I will.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Two Cents, Two Friends
Six years after our high school graduation, I finally met an old friend who used to be my partner in crime. We ran a club together, we became a champion together as a team. He was the most cheerful and hyperactive person I knew in school.
He was sitting with his son at the mosque when I arrived. I didn't see the cheerful guy that I expected. Instead, he greet me calmly while holding his son. We shared our stories after graduation. Apparently, he's been through a hard time during his wife's pregnancy. She was dying when she gave birth to their child.
Is it a hard life that makes him so serious now ?
I've seen some of my friends have changed. In the way they talk, the way they behave. While I still stay the same.
"No, you don't", she said.
I try to believe her. Because I think the one who notices our change is other people not ourselves.
We sat in a long sofa - too long for two persons - in a cafe that we had just found that time. It's a quite comfy for me. The coffee also quite decent and I love the decoration. The place named "Two Cents".
Movies, politics, and social topics have been talked about during that 3 hours sitting. Then suddenly this question popped up her mind.
"Do you think we have to marry the one we love or the one we can have a good conversation with ?"
She never runs out of questions and most of them are usually interesting. I tried to understand the question and understand what I want to say before I speak a word.
"The one we love. Because, when two people love each other, they will have a good communication. But the person whom we can have good conversation with, doesn't mean we love them."
In fact, I rarely have good conversation with people I loved. They though that I'm boring instead. But I guess, good conversation is a bonus from a good relationship.
"Well, I'm not an expert in relationship. I've been in one since last two years."
I shifted the topic that is not being my concerned right now and sipped my coffee till the last drop.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
No places for a loner on Satnite
If Mosby says "nothing good happens after 2 AM", I believe there is something good after that hour which is serenity.
What I wanted was just a quiet place to read while sipping a cup of coffee and green gea latte. But I might forget about something called 'timing'. Instead of serenity, Braga street was full of accesories and booths. It's Saturday, the day where the street is changed into culinary festival.
So I drove my motorcycles to Dago and other areas in Bandung. Still, I couldn't find a place where there's a peace empty single sofa in it. Almost all of them are full of families, groups, or couples. There's no place for a loner on Saturday night.
Finally, several hours to a dawn, I found a place where I can sit peacefully and quietly. Lesson learned. If I wanna have a me-time on Saturday night, I better wait at least after midnight.
Thursday, May 08, 2014
''Iya. Kayak bokap gue."
"Jadi mending lo jawab deh, kalo dia nanya atau SMS. Karena mungkin buat kita nggak penting, tapi bisa jadi pikiran buat dia."
"Iya. cuma ga tau kenapa gue tuh orang nya gampang bete kalo ditanya-tanya orang rumah"
"Walaupun bete. Mending lo jawab deh, ortu kita tuh udah tua. Mungkin aja mereka nggak ada ketika kita lagi di sini. Mungkin sekarang risih ya dengan pertanyaan - pertanyaan itu. Tapi lo bakal nyesel ketika pertanyaan - pertanyaan itu udah nggak ada lagi. Jangan sampe ternyata itu pertanyaan terakhir dari mereka dan lo nggak jawab .."
Glek! Aku menghentikan sedotanku pada strawberry milk tea yang tiba-tiba terasa lebih asam dari saat pertama aku meminumnya.
Monday, May 05, 2014
''Kerja dimana A ?'', tanya Ibu itu yang usianya sedikit lebih tua dari Ibuku.
''Kemarin sih di Cimahi. Sekarang lagi cari lagi, mungkin mau balik ke Jakarta''
''Oh Sama, anak ibu oge kamari baru pulang dari Jakarta. Abis sidang katanya. Minggu depan kelulusan nya gituh ... Alhamdulillah lah ahirna beres'', si Ibu bercerita walaupun aku tidak bertanya. Wajahnya sangat bahagia menceritakan anak nya yang baru selesai kuliah.
''Wisuda nya kapan bu ?''
''Oktober cenah''
''Lama juga ya.''
''Kan nunggu yang lain meureun yah''
Mungkin wajah Ibu tersebut akan jauh lebih bahagia ketika menghadiri acara wisuda nanti.
Semoga tidak sebaliknya.
Friday, May 02, 2014
Random weighted
Friday, April 25, 2014
Untungnya hari - hari gue juga diwarnai oleh cerita - cerita mereka yang mau menampung kisahnya setiap hari.
Pukul 6 pagi. Telat solat Subuh lagi. Alarm sudah ga pernah gue set semenjak last day gue sebulan yang lalu. Sebuah tanda bintang bertengger di icon salah satu chat window BBM teman (sebut saja Camar, karena dia tinggal di sangkar emas). Kali ini pasti masih tentang suami nya yang lagi seneng jajan di luar.
Camar : Udah bangun ?
Tanpa perlu menunggu jawaban gue, serentengan pesan mem-popup BBM gue seketika setelah D berubah menjadi R.
Camar : Tau ga, tadi malem pulang jam 11.30 !!!
Camar : Udah gitu gue cuma dibawain nasgor
Gue : Nasgor emang2 ?
Camar : Iya, nasgor emang-emang. Padahal gue tau, dia makan di sana berdua doang. dan dia yang bayar. gue liat bill nya mahal banget. Bilang nya bertiga, padahal gue udah cek mereka cuma berdua.
Camar : Gue minta aja diajak makan di tempat itu.
Camar : masa dia bilang ga usah. makanan nya ga enak.
Camar : HIH. udah ah, gue tidur lagi
Camar : jgn reply ya.
Camar : mau gue end chat
Si Camar ini akan datang tiba-tiba untuk kasih report drama harian nya. Dan akan menghilang tiba-tiba sambil melarang gue reply karena takut ketahuan suami-suami an nya.
Gue pun tidur lagi, sampai matahari naik agak tinggi dan akhirnya terbangun oleh ...
Remi : PING!
Remi : Oiii...
Remi : Gue gedek banget sama si kehed. kerjaan gue makin numpuk. mana dia ngomel melulu seenaknya.
Remi : masa gue disuruh ngerjain klien US juga.
Gue : wah ? trs ?
Remi : Mana anak gue lg rewel lagi. Duh bentar ya,
Remi sampai sekarang belum move on walaupun sudah sebulan gue resign sepertinya dia belum menemukan tempat curhat baru di tempat kerja itu.
Bertepatan dengan jam masuk kantor, sebuah kiriman image akan sampai di BBM gue. Inilah pesan yang paling sulit, karena gue harus berkomentar tentang foto-foto orang yang dia kirimkan setiap hari nya.
Cina : image received
Cina : PING!
Gue : hm ..
Cina : Comment ?
Gue : Ga ada.
Cina : Haahaha. lucu kan ?
Gue : iya.
Cina : hahaha okay.
Sampai sekarang belum ngerti apa tujuan dia minta gue comment setiap hari.
Menjelang sore, topik - topik yang dibahas sudah agak ringan. biasanya seputar jajanan. Gue harus menemani ibu muda kesepian yang tinggal di kota kecil tersebut. Sebut saja namanya ... Seblak
Seblak : Je!
Gue : Ya ?
Seblak : nggak, biasa kalo jam segini ga ada temen. hehehe. kamu suka beli seblak ga ?
Gue : kadang sih. tp jarang yg enak
Seblak : beli deh. di dkt rumah aku ada yg enak. murah lagi
Gue : masa sih ? seblak kan gitu2 aja.
Seblak : ini mah enak. bumbunya berasa. pedes lg.
Gue : oh, sebelah mana sih ?
Seblak : di dkt rumah aku. susah ah jelasin nya. ntar deh kalo aku pulang.
Seblak : tau ga, kemaren kan aku baru beli blender ama suami. terus ga ada tutup nya..terus ...
Itu lah beberapa pelanggan storytexting gue. Lucu sih.
Tapi kok ibu2 semua ya ? LOL.
Friday, April 11, 2014
All of me
My silence is maybe a silent treatment for them that I apply the whole time.
Maybe it's just a bad luck.
But if I have to love people with all of me, They're my family.
Even when I lose I'm winning.
'Cause I give them all of me
And they give me all of them.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The Best Gift
Parents who always support me in every decision I make, even though some of it were silly ones.
Paretns who will be very proud of me when I'm successful, but still treat me like a prince in my recess.
Who always push me to the top but will never turn around when I give up.
It will be an infinity list if I write all the reasons why they are the best gift given by God to me.
I can't be grateful enough.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Bloody Birthday
Hari kamis, 6 Februari, laptop tiba - tiba mati terus nggak bisa nyala. Terpaksa izin kerja karena nggak ada laptop cadangan. Setelah di install ulang beberapa kali masih belum bisa juga. Akhirnya harus pinjam laptop kakak untuk kerja besok, tapi kebetulan koneksi internet di rumah juga lagi mati. Jadi sekitar jam 11 malam aku berangkat untuk menginap di rumah teman supaya besok subuh bisa kerja dari sana pakai internet dia.
Setelah mengisi bensin dan membeli perbekalan di minimart. Aku mengambil jalan melewati tol baros yang sudah sepi sambil mendengarkan musik dari earphone handphone.
"but now, there's nowhere to hide since you push my love aside. I'm out of my head .."
Tepat saat aku menyanyikan lirik Hopelessly Devoted To You dengan keras, beberapa detik kemudian aku sudah tidak ingat apa yang terjadi. Yang jelas aku melewati lubang jalan yang dalam dan besar. Merasakan beberapa kali badan ini terlempar kemudian terseret sedikit. Dan ketika membuka mata, aku sudah tergeletak di jalan. Beberapa detik kemudian pengendara motor yang lewat membawaku ke pos satpam terdekat kemudian ke rumah sakit.
Drama banget ya.
It's my first accident. Accident was one of my biggest fear in life that's why I manage to always drive slowly. But there's always a first time. Thank God, I used helmet. Now I realize, use helmet not because you want to comply the rule, but use helmet because you don't wanna lose your head.
Safe drive !
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Sudahi Sudah ...
Monday, January 13, 2014
Si itu apa kabar ?
Thursday, January 02, 2014
2014, Resolusi ?
My Messy Workstation |