Saat menonton film tentang perjalanan 4 sahabat itu, membuat gw berpikir "do boys have that kind of friendship ?". Friendship yang bener - bener, you know, they said they are soulmate. Bahkan ketika Samantha lagi hook up sama salah satu cowo dan dia ngajak Sam kencan waktu dia bareng temen - temen nya, Sam bilang "sorry, i can't. Tonight is a girl's nite." menolak date yang sedang dia kejar - kejar demi teman - teman nya. Yeah, i won't make a generalization, let's revise the first statement. Dan gw berpikir "do i have a friendship like that ?". Well, yeah ... i forget this is a movie. HOLLYWOOD movie. And i'm ... in a real life.
Ketika lagi nonton gw ter-distract sama tirai pintu exit yang ternyata secara tidak gw sadari sejak tadi bergerak - gerak sendiri. Tidak ada orang di sana, dan bisa gw pastikan tidak ada angin di sana karena tadi gw lewat sana waktu mau ke WC. Itu tirai bergerak sendiri. Gw cuekkin aja dan kembali nonton. Gw lirik sedikit, itu tirai sudah berhenti. Terus gw liatin lagi dan itu tirai mulai bergerak lagi. Gosh, what a thursday night. It was freaking me out.
Sesampainya di rumah i turn on my laptop and check my email. I found the news that some of my friends are joining some tournament. And they get a good result. They broke to the final and one of them became a best speaker. I feel a rush blood into the head. You know, i always envy the others winning. But i can't deny that they deserve it. However this thing really distract me. Well, debate was my life but now it's my past. The past is always with me but i will never let it mess up with the present. Yes, they do deserve it. And i finally realize that actually what is hard is not admitting their winnings but admitting that actually i am INCAPABLE in making my way to do so. I have all of the potentials but my willingness is not that much, my effort is not that hard.
Di tengah serangan badai low self esteem ini, gw buka inbox. Ada sms dari bokap yang masuk ketika gw masih di bioskop tadi. Tiba - tiba dia bilang di sms ....
"tetep istiqomah ya suoaya dikasih rahmat taufik dan hidayah oleh Allah "Oh my God, it might be overreacted but i was ... hmmm bengong gitu ketika baca sms nya. Agak sedikit menghujam jantung. Wondering that my parents always praying for me all day and night meanwhile their children here is like this. It tears me up.
well.... this is the song from Sex And The City 2 when they're having karaoke in Dubai.
i like the song. Nice lyrics
...Oh yes I am wise, but it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price, but look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong,I am invincible
I am woman...
= P
yeah, great song.
u watch the movie ?
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