Saturday, September 03, 2011

The missing moments

Barusan karena nggak ada kerjaan iseng - iseng buka file foto- foto dan menemukan beberapa foto yang memiliki kesan yang mungkin nggak bisa diulang lagi karena satu dan lain hal. Nih, check these out !

Foto yang pertama itu waktu gue dikasih birthday surprise waktu umur 21. Saat gue ultah ke 20 dan 21 temen - temen serumah ngasih surprise [lebih ke ngerjain sih] yang sebenernya gue udah tau dari awal. Foto yang kedua adalah waktu gue dan anak - anak CIMB Niaga Scholarship Binus jalan - jalan ke depok. Itu foto diambil di Margo City.

Kedua foto itu merupakan moment of togetherness gue dengan teman - teman beasiswa lain. Dan missing moments di situ adalah ... liat deh orang yang di sebelah gue di kedua foto di atas. He's one of my best friend, ex house mate. Nowadays it's hard to find him smiling at me like that anymore. It's because my stupid mistake  which left us awkward to one another. 

Kedua foto di atas diambil waktu takbiran 2009. The four of us used to be BFF and those two girls were the real BFF to each of them. But now is different. They don't even talk to one another. It's hard to gather four of us. Not only because they're no longer best friends but also because we've already had our own lives. With all of background that we have and all the things we've been through, even best friends grow apart.

The last one. This photo is the only memory i have. The memory about me and the one i loved. I was very happy at that moment. Walking around Bandung with the person i loved most. Even though i had to drive motorcycle all day long, it didn't make me feel tired. Because there's someone holding my hip from the back. 
The photo was taken in The Museum of Asia Africa Conference. The venue we visited because we didn't know any other place to go. Too bad there were only the two of us. So we couldn't take a picture of us and we took the picture separately.

The missing moment is ... obvious, the person behind the camera. We might never meet again. Or we better not.

Whatever happened, those sweet memories will always be a sweet memories. Nothing can change. I will keep those picture just in case i need them again someday.

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