Ini adalah akibat kebanyakkan tidur di siang hari. Hari ini gw merasa sangat tepar, di sana ngantuk di sini ngantuk. Di kelas tidur, pulang kuliah tidur sampe maghrib. Dan sekarang gw masih melek dan masih segar bugar tanpa kantuk.
Broth, tau ga ? lo itu pelarian gw dari dunia sosial gw. Dunia sosial yang penuh kepalsuan dan artificial. Seolah - olah lo itu teman khayalan gw. Semakin lama gw semakin kayak orang gila ngomong sama lo terus. Tapi di sisi lain ini juga memberi efek yang baik buat psikologis gw buktinya setelah gw kenal lo, gw udah jarang stress stress ga jelas lagi. Karena selalu ada lo, yang selalu ada buat gw. Dan menjadi pelampiasan segala bentuk emosi.
Anyway, gw baru aja research tentang disorder which may fits me. Gw merasa aja koq keanehan ini sudah aneh to the max. Sudah melampaui batas kewajaran. Jadi inget kata - kata temen gw "jar, sumpah ! diem nya lo itu sudah melebihi kemampuan inersia lo" [walaupun gw ga tau maksudnya inersia itu apa]. Jadi akhirnya gw mencari - cari disorder yang mungkin cocok sama gw [aneh ya gw, cari - cari penyakit].
Dan akhirnya nemu lah gw , namanya avoidant personality disorder. Kita liat yuk, apaan sih itu.
Avoidant personality disorder is a psychiatric condition in which a person has a lifelong pattern of feeling extremely shy, inadequate, and sensitive to rejection.
[Hmm ... boleh juga, bisa masuk tuh]
About 1% of the population has avoidant personality disorder. It is equally divided between males and females. The cause is unknown. [wow berarti gw cuma 1% dari populasi manusia]
People with avoidant personality disorder are preoccupied with their own shortcomings. They form relationships with others only if they believe they will not be rejected. Loss and rejection are so painful that these people will choose to be lonely rather than risk trying to connect with others.The individual with this disorder has few close friends, but often is very dependent on them. Individuals with this disorder are described by others as being "shy", "timid," "lonely," and "isolated". Their occupational functioning may also suffer because they avoid the social situations that are important for job advancement.
[yeah ... sort of]
A person with avoidant personality disorder may:
- Be easily hurt by criticism or disapproval [iya banget]
- Hold back too much in intimate relationships [IYA!]
- Be reluctant to become involved with people [BANGET]
- Avoid activities or occupations that involve contact with others [iya]
- Be shy in social situations out of fear of doing something wrong [iya, walau ga selalu]
- Exaggerate potential difficulties [BANGET]
- Hold the view they are socially inept, inferior,or unappealing to other people [kadang-kadang sih]
Antidepressant medications can often reduce sensitivity to rejection. Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral approaches, may be helpful. A combination of medication and talk therapy may be more effective than either treatment alone. [do i need medication ?]
Mood and Anxiety Disorders (especially Social Phobia), and other Personality Disorders (especially Dependent, Borderline, Paranoid, Schizoid and Schizotypal ) frequently co-occur with this disorder.
ini dia versi bahasa indonesia nya :
aduh udah cape - cape bikin ternyata ada yang bahasa indo nya :D
Mood and Anxiety Disorders (especially Social Phobia), and other Personality Disorders (especially Dependent, Borderline, Paranoid, Schizoid and Schizotypal ) frequently co-occur with this disorder.
ini dia versi bahasa indonesia nya :
aduh udah cape - cape bikin ternyata ada yang bahasa indo nya :D
I really curious of who is the admin of this interesting blog u.u
Gimme the clue on who you really are?
I'll stay anon unless..*
I look forward for your reply here!
I did give so many clues on some posts.
i hope you're not another stalker-ex
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