Monday, October 25, 2010


Wow, it's a once in a lifetime experience. I slept from 10 - 6 . I was so exhausted yesterday. To commemorating  Sumpah Pemuda day, CIMB Niaga will publish an advertisement on national newsletter. I was asked to be the model. I thought it would be fun until i knew that the theme is sumpah pemuda and we have to use patriotist suite in jadul look. It's totally jadul. Wanna see the photoshoot ? i'll post it later.

The photoshoot started at 9 am. We did a make up thingy and hair dressing until 12, gosh it's so long. The real photoshoot itself was started at 12.30 till 15.30 . I arrived at boarding house around 6 and i was really exhausted so i just lay on my bed until i fell asleep. And i've just awaken 30 minutes ago.

1 comment:

gayatri-ardila said...

wew really?
aku malah ga tau kalo CIMB ngadain kayak gituan. heu
sapa aja yang jadi model je?

ayo share foto-fotonyaa ;))