Apparently, 2 years living together didn't create any bond. We've been through a lot of things together but we're still stranger to each other. I'm talking about my ex-house mates. We decided to get separated 5 months ago but we still rent rooms at the same boarding house. There are only limited social interactions between us. We only talk to each other when it is needed. Until several days ago, my neighbor said ...
"Eh ... si T kan pindah ..."
'oh ya ?' kata gw pura - pura nggak tau. Padahal udah tau dari tetangga yang lain, bukan orangnya.
"Emang nggak pamit ?"
Well, that's not really bad because afterward my friend and i had a chat on facebook and finally we talked about his moving. But still, what is so hard to say goodbye or to inform me about his moving to an old friend ?
The next days is today actually. My neighbor .. [the same neighbor above, i don't know why she always get the first hearing] said ...
"Heh, si M udah ga di sini ya ?"
'HAH ?!' kali ini beneran kagetnya karena beneran nggak tau sama sekali.
"iya, dia minta satu hari lagi buat pindah. katanya pindah ke slipi. ke tempat sodaranya "
'HAH ?!' as long as i know, he doesn't have any relatives there. Besides .....
"emang nggak bilang ?"
'NGGAK' inilah yang paling gw sebel. Menjawab pertanyaan ini.
It's not a big deal though and also none of my business. But the thing is i have considered them as my second family ? or at least close friends. Isn't it impolite if you're leaving without telling your friend first ?
Well okay, maybe i'm not a friend to them.
That's okay, now i know how it works.
ih parah banget ckck.
yah AKON corporationnya gak lengkap lagi deh..
sabar yaa,at least kalian masih bisa bersosialisasi via dunia maya. pathetic.
sometimes friends come and go like a phone call away..
at least phone's ringing
i believe that you've learned to let it [thing like that] go...
of course, there's no point in keeping that kinda things
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