Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peer Pressure

Apa salah satu penyebab dominan seorang remaja mulai merokok ? Peer Pressure
Apa salah satu penyebab orang mulai mencoba narkoba ? Peer Pressure
Salah satu motivasi remaja melakukan hubungan sex pertama kali ? Peer pressure
Salah satu penyebab seseorang menjadi gay ? Peer pressure

See ? how peer pressure can make a sudden change to someone. How your surrounding sayings really affect your mind. And how annoying it is.

Well, it doesn't mean that i'm desperate when i write this post. Honestly, i just feel DISTURBED and ANNOYED with scorns. Their interference towards my private life has gone too far. Please tell me what so cool and great with having a date ? You will be nominated as a best selling person of the year [well, ok]. But it doesn't mean a thing for me. Why ?

So let's say this lonely loner always feel lonely everyday. But it doesn't mean i feel such the most pathetic person on earth. I know i'm very potential. Well, i have a lot of things to thinks about everyminutes of my life. Having a date is not my top priority. Chasing a dream is much more interesting for me. Your scorns won't affect me to be envy and find a suddeng date. Well, i'm not that kinda person. My surrounding cannot affect me.

So, why don't u go with your own date ... and i'll go mine.

Chasing a girl just because of fear that you are the one who are single among your friends and your friends mock you, that's a really cruel motivation. And i'm not that cruel.

Nulis apa sih gw, jadi ketawan kan panas nya hahaha
Well, gw nggak ada masalah anyway being single. But ketika orang - orang mulai berasa hebat karena mereka punya date dan memperolok gw karena masih sendiri. You know that's very irritating.

Well, i'm single. and it's not the end of the world

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